Monday, 28 November 2011

Using Think Positive Power To Change Your Life (Part One)

Do you believe people can make a positive change to themselves? I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Leopards don’t change their spots”. It usually crops up when someone is trying to make the claim that people are as they are and cannot change. If you believe this to be true I’ve got news for you!

When people learn how to use think positive power they can change and they do change, often in very dramatic ways. I say this with full confidence as I have witnessed it happen time and time again. In fact, anyone who has known me for a number of years will testify that I am nothing like the person I once was! I’m a prime example of think positive power creating change.

It is absolutely possible to create a positive change in yourself and thereby in your life. All you have to do is choose to do it and then believe you can do it. Once you have made that choice, (one made with total awareness and honesty with regard to your present reality), you are free to move forward towards a better, or even a new, you. When you are fully committed to use think positive power to make positive change in your life, it will happen.

The one constant in this universe is change. Everything that exists is in a state of change. As part of the universe, we are part of that cycle of change. Every experience you encounter in your life changes you in some way. Don’t believe me? You’ll see; by the time you hit your forties or fifties, the kid you were in your twenties is pretty much gone and a different you remains .

If you are already into your forties or fifties (or even beyond that!) you will know the truth of that statement. But in most cases that change has been unconscious, or to be more accurate it’s been subconscious. We are all shaped by our own individual subconscious as it absorbs, and reacts to, the events going on around us and involving us.

The problem for many people is that their subconscious has a negative outlook on life and consequently they become negative thinking people. However, all is not lost. The only reason your subconscious has made you this way is because you didn’t know it was happening and so you did nothing to stop it. But it doesn’t have to stay this way.

You can take control of your subconscious mind and change it from a storehouse of negative thoughts into a think positive powerhouse!

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