Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Please join me in welcoming our new Featured Fan, Eric Heavilin. I believe I first noticed Eric's name during the 25,000 Fans celebration here at SiteSell Facebook. Ever since, he's been a loyal fan and supporter, answering questions, making thoughtful comments, congratulating and cheering up other fans.

Just this morning Eric gave an excellent answer to Cynthia, who had a few questions about SBI!...

Like many of you, Eric is an SBI! newbie, working his way diligently through the first days of the Action Guide, building a solid foundation for his future online business with SBI!.

You will find his story fascinating... how he started out with blogging, how he realized that he wants to build an online business and not just blog for fun, how he first discovered SBI!, disregarded it and came back to it later... does that sound somewhat familiar? ;-)

Enough said. Let's hear Eric himself...
- Margit

"While I've always had a huge interest in computers, I discovered that I wanted to really build a life through the Internet in some way. I actually was going through a very rough time in my relationship (this is back in 09) and I just sat down one day and realized that I wanted to figure out this “Internet stuff,” and so my search began!

The next thing I knew I found myself online searching around for something fun and profitable. I quickly discovered blogging, of all things. It sounded like fun but I had no knowledge of WordPress at the time. So, I jumped in with both feet and started blogging away.

I got serious about making sure I had at least three articles on the blog each week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I did well. I had loads of fun and got to know many wonderful people along that journey of about a year or so.

I realized, maybe a bit too late, that I was still stuck! There was no money coming in and I knew that money wasn't just going to show up at my apartment for writing this great content. Boy was I right about that! So, I decided to start figuring out how to make this whole “make money online” thing work. I just didn't understand how blogging or doing anything online, for that matter, would bring in money.

Was this really possible? Write for a blog or website and earn money? Even make a full-time living? Really? Well, I then discovered (so simple when I think about it now) how e-books could be sold online. You mean, I don't actually have to build a physical product? People will actually buy information from me? Why? Why me, though?

Well, long story short, that's when I realized the power of the web. There really WAS something out there I could do.

And the story continues...

I basically found myself continuing to look for a way to earn money online while blogging and hopped upon a training course or two. I actually DID discover SBI! around this time and looked over it just a tad but thought it was just another scam (I had my scam radar pretty high at this point. No, VERY high).

So, I ignored it and went along my way to other courses. About a year or so later I went back to one of the other courses, signed up, and started building a site on a topic I found somewhat interesting but wasn't really passionate about. Truth is, I actually did get SOME traffic and opt-ins. That was more traffic than I'd ever got in my life with a site, except my blog, of course. I also was more and more excited as I watched my list grow each day. Wow, this is working!

Then... my first sale, ever! I made a sale on a $17.95 e-book that was the only income generator on that site. I was ecstatic but after getting a review of the site I was told that I had used bad keywords and I'd need to write more pages.

NOT what I'd hoped to hear as my interest at that point was shot down and I burned out.

Finally, I went searching around the web some more and thought, “you know, I might check out this SBI! thing.” I knew a friend of mine had a couple sites with them and was making good money.

At this point I checked out the site and when I say check out, I mean I went through literally just about every page, reading every word, getting more and more excited as I read.

So... SBI! will help me build a site on something I actually totally enjoy. It will help me get traffic (a must). AND it will help me turn that PREsold traffic into income? I felt I had hit the jackpot.

I read all the success stories (or at least most) and the more I learned the more excited I became.

So, I signed up. Now, having made one successful sale online and then hearing it wasn't possible for anything worthwhile, long-term, I was a bit bummed out. However, I reminded myself of a few golden rules. Well, I call them that anyway.

That other site was not something I was really interested in. At all. I didn't want just a bunch of sites I couldn't care less about earning money as I'd feel dishonest about what I was doing. Not good!
While each site I build might make some good money, keeping up with all those sites would be a lot of work down the line and a hassle if a number of them failed. Not worth my time, in my opinion.
While SBI! may take much longer, I wouldn't have to stop at just one site. I could build one up, then build a few more on topics I really enjoyed. And what I really liked was the Content 2.0 tool. Amazing! I'm very excited about giving this a go.

I'll go ahead and stop there. This is already quite long and I could go much farther into detail but this sums up things quite well I believe.

All I can say is, I'm very excited about the possibilities laying ahead on my road to online success. I'm still going to blog on the side and build something up with that, too. Hey, doing both sounds like fun to me.

Plus, I'll gain experience using SBI! and who knows where that will take me. After all, once I've done it once, I can do it again even faster and with even bigger results in relationships and profits.

I also have shared my joy with friends and family (while I'm not “there” yet, myself). They don't really get why SBI! is special to so many. That's okay, though. When they see what I'll accomplish, I'm sure a few heads will turn and they'll start asking more about how I'm doing this.

Over all, my goals are to build an online presence that not only is fun, doesn't and will probably never feel like work, but is also very profitable to support myself and my family.

And while I'm definitely going to do my own successful “Why I Love SBI!” video; I can't wait! I'll just go ahead and say this much for now since I have this grand opportunity...

Thanks SBI! for all the success people are achieving with SBI! Thanks for changing lives for the better and for believing in freedom for all.

I love SBI! and all it stands for and can do and is about. And this goes beyond the tools and training. I truly and deeply and sincerely love that so many wonderful people have used this special all-in-one service and tool to build their new lives. So thank you to all for your hard work. That's what this is all about: helping everyone and being helped.

God bless."

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